Praising Stars

At Outwood Junior Academy Brumby, we use the Outwood Family Praising Stars system to inform you about your child's progress.

For those new to the process, each year you will receive six Praising Stars reports. This frequency of reporting enables us to improve the quality and impact of our intervention with children.

We hope you will be equally pleased with the frequency of which you receive information about your child's progress.

In brief, the report gives you information about:

Effort (E1-E6)

We recommend that parents or carers look at the effort grades first and foremost as a measure of your child's performance towards meeting or exceeding their target. This will provide a clear indication of the work ethic in particular lessons.

  • E1 - Star students
  • E2 - Very promising
  • E3 - Hard working


This section of the report shows your child's current level of attendance for the year so far.

This section also identifies the number of authorised and unauthorised absences as well as the number of sessions for which your child was late. A session is defined as half a day.

Targets and Predictions

For Reading, Writing and Mathematics, you will be provided with 3 pieces of information:

  • Your child's current attainment;
  • The target that the academy has set for your child's attainment at the end of the Key Stage (Year 2 and Year 6)
  • Where the academy currently expects your child's end of Key Stage attainment to be if their current attitude to learning and performance continues.

Behaviour During Lessons

This section details your child's behaviour during lesson time. 'Consequences' is used as our approach to promoting positive behaviour during lesson time.

Any instances of C3, C4, C5 and C6 are recorded in this section. Please see our behaviour policy for a more detailed explanation of this system.

Behaviour at Social Times

This section shows the class teacher's evaluation of your child's behaviour during the Praising Stars Period, relating specifically to playtimes, lunchtimes and around the academy in general.

It does not reflect behaviour during lesson time and is defined in one of four ways:

  • Exemplary
  • Good
  • Unsettled
  • Unacceptable


Super Swirls are awarded to children for demonstrating the principles of our academy. These are:
Be Safe; Be Respectful; Be Responsible.

The total shown on the report is the number of swirls that your child has collected to date. Children are awarded a certificate (Bronze, Silver & Gold) for every 100 collected.

Learning Model

Our Learning Model sets out 10 key qualities and skills that enable children to be effective learners. In each subject area, the class teacher has identified which quality or skill your child needs to develop next in order to ensure that they maximise their potential in the subject area. This identified skill or quality will be a focus during the next Praising Stars Period.


Where there is a cross in the box against 'Homework concern' this identifies that the class teacher feels that a child's inconsistent completion of homework is having a negative impact on their progress.

Where there is a cross in the box against 'Parents' Evening' this identifies that the academy staff with to discuss your child's progress with you in more detail.